In The Wild
Former NASA Engineer Builds Glitterbomb v3 to Thwart Porch Pirates

As Christmas has come and gone and package couriers have experienced record-shattering volume, the phenomenon of "porch pirates" is relevant as ever. Luckily, there is at least one rogue hacker trying to take on these package thieves. Mark Rober, former NASA and Apple engineer, has made a third version of his extremely popular "Glitterbomb" project. He intentionally leaves booby-trapped fake packages on the porch to blast would-be thieves with glitter and catch them in the act with various traps reminiscent of Home Alone (including fart spray). We are very impressed by the creativity Mark has put into this project. This...
Hacker Modifies RGB Shades with Onboard Battery

We love it when people buy our RGB Shades and hack them to add functionality. Recently, our customer David modified his RGB Shades and gave us permission to share his project. Follow his steps below to add an onboard battery to the RGB Shades: Purchase a 2000mAh lithium ion battery and Adafruit PowerBoost 1000 Charger Mount the battery to the blank earpiece with a little hot glue and cut the included power-only mini USB wire to the length required to neatly hot glue it across the upper inside border of the RGB Shades Solder the wires to the output on the PowerBoost Hot glue the PowerBoost to the battery Plug...
MUSE Releases New Video Featuring RGB Shades

On August 28, MUSE released the music video Behold, the Glove, originally an inclusion in their larger work Simulation Theory. You don't need to pay too close attention to the video to see the Macetech RGB Shades heavily featured throughout this beautiful video. Two years ago, MUSE's costume team reached out ahead of the Simulation Theory Tour to ask about our RGB Shades Kits. After ordering several pairs, we worked closely with the team as they made some awesome modifications. First, they rigged up a portable battery and head strap onto the frames, then added wireless remote DMX translators and custom animations that could...
How to Assemble Your RGB Shades Kit

Macetech Founder and resident hacker, Garrett Mace, shows you how to assemble your own RGB Shades, if you choose to order the DIY kit of our popular LED Glasses. (You may also choose to have us assemble your RGB Shades before shipment.) Required tools: Pliers Tweezers Small Phillips head screwdriver Threadlocker or glue We recommend you add heat shrink tubing to the RGB Shades earpieces to make them more comfortable. The kit ships with heat shrink included. Required tools: lighter, hair dryer, or hot air gun For more information on assembling and programming your RGB Shade, please check out our open source documentation.